Day of Innovation 2017 Lineup

3 Keynotes | 23 Breakout Speakers

Breakout Speakers: GO (7 Breakout Sessions)

Ready. Set. Go Innovate! Our Go sessions focus on creating a sustainable culture of innovation for your team. Learn how to unlock daily creativity, fight off the enemies of innovation, use diversity as a driver of innovation and more.
Diversity is a
Competitive Advantage
Pharmacy 202
Kristen Cooper
Founder & CEO
The Startup Ladies

How diversity and inclusive culture can help drive innovation.

Unlocking Daily Creativity
Regardless of Your Job Title
Pharmacy 204
Monica Kang
Founder & CEO

Despite studies consistently validating the importance of creativity in our professional and personal growth, most of us are unhappy and unsure how to add creativity in our daily routine. This session will help redefine creativity by making it practical, tangible, relatable, and accessible.

It’s Like _______
For _______
Pharmacy 202
Anna Eaglin
Senior Design Partner

Innovation doesn’t require huge disruption. Small changes can mean big impact for your business.  We created Innovatecards, an ideation game we use with our clients, to keep minds sharp and tuned toward creative thinking that you can apply to your own business.

Fighting the Enemies
of Innovation
Pharmacy 204
Gustavo Razzetti
Liberationist Change Leadership School

Driving innovation is a dangerous mission. You are against the odds. Your mission success depends on surviving attacks from both friendly and unfriendly fire. Disguised as a warm caring boss (“the caregiver”) or a smart client that wants to get the best out of you (“the intellectual”), the enemies of innovation get in the way of success. Knowing how to identify and deal with the enemies of innovation is critical. The enemies of innovation can either wear you down or make you stronger. It’s up to you. Get to know them. Learn what drives them. Neutralize their attacks.

Crazy Talk: Describing the
“Unreal” and the “Not Yet”
Pharmacy 202
Garrett Curry
Founder & Principal
Raygun Workshop

Casting a vision for your idea or innovation can be challenging. What may seem so real to you likely seems make-believe to others. Garrett will talk about what it takes to bridge that gap and get belief and buy-in from others. Attendees will be taken through a process that will help them cast vision for their idea with clarity, brevity and meaningfulness.

Visual Thinking That
Drives Innovation
Pharmacy 204
Julia Reich
Visual & Branding Specialist
Stone Soup Creative

As the challenges we face become more complex, visual thinking is emerging as an effective strategy to help us to solve them. Graphic Recording helps us make better decisions faster, communicate our decisions more effectively and helps our teams better execute those decisions.

Essential Elements of
Innovation Success
Halcomb 235
Julie DeSutter
Chief Operating Officer

“Our culture doesn’t support innovation.”
“We’ve tried that before.”
“That will never work.”

You can overcome these challenges and more through a simple shift in perspective. There at 5 elements of an organization that must be addressed in order for innovation efforts to succeed.

In this interactive session, you’ll learn what they are, as well as:

  • How a shift in perspective can transform your approach to innovation.
  • The most common missteps that sink innovation initiatives.
  • How to build internal buy-in for innovation projects.
  • Which frameworks and tools for innovation produce real results and when to use them.